Mtg modern dredge
Mtg modern dredge

mtg modern dredge

  • Legacy Articles - Magic Theory, Legacy Info, Card Theory.
  • Please message the moderators to add events or streams. Your Flair is Your Own - We suggest the flair be your primary deck, but you can change it to whatever you like.
  • A once-weekly content self-post will never be removed as spam.
  • Content creators should make a good-faith effort engage with the community.
  • Prolific content producers must take care not to overwhelm other content on the subreddit.
  • Questions that are answered by sidebar content may be removed.
  • New players, please review the sidebar before posting.
  • Any discussion promoting counterfeits (not proxies) is strictly forbidden.
  • All event advertising requires mod pre-approval and is generally limited to posts for large non-recurring events.
  • mtg modern dredge

    link posts to photos or screenshots of cards.event advertisements for local-level events.This is a discussion-oriented subreddit the following types of posts are prohibited:.Be courteous and constructive no personal attacks or hate speech (racism, sexism, etc.).A subreddit dedicated to the greatest Magic: the Gathering format: Legacy (Type 1.5).

    Mtg modern dredge